Monday, November 30, 2009

Trust me... m nt ABNORMAL..!!!

Would you say i'm abnormal if i said


Well, i guess most of you would... But i cant help it. In a world where i live (i'm specifying my hostel here), where people remain confined within their own rooms, refusing to come out, and watch movies all day in their laptops (and that includes me too) ... exams are the only time when you can actually see some excitement.

Students roaming here and there all day in search of study materials, students daring to get out of their rooms and get together for some group study, students roaming the corridors till late hours for some last minute study....

Only yesterday was i sitting at the first floor stairs, making some notes, when some junior came up to me, sat next to me and started a casual conversation. In these 3 years of my hostel life, i had actually never even known that she existed! Can you imagine that? Trust me. When you have a hostel like mine, where rules are stricter than your mom, and talking to juniors is an absolute crime, this is possible.

Well, exam times also brings out some rare characters of people you would never otherwise get to know. Take my roommate for example. Though i've been living with her for a year, only now have i realized that she's a physco. Not actually a physco, maybe a pseudopshyco. Let me illustrate. During normal days, where she behaves normally, dresses normally and seriously seems human, during exam times, she gets up as early as 4 in the morning (after actually going to bed at 2 am), does some strange sort of puja, applies abnormal amounts of oil to her hair, takes her books and totally disappears. Oh, and i totally forgot to mention her mysterious balm which she applies, leaving the rest of us with a terrible headache. She becomes totally anti social, forgets to smile, and the only time you'll see her would be when she comes occasionally to the room to spy on you. The way she looks at you scares the hell out of you. She actually sits there, on her chair, doing nothing, but staring at you, for a whole 10-15 minutes. Trust me, itz no less scarier than a horror movie, especially when she has her oil dripping hair left out loose, all onto her face. She looks less human and more like a zombie!!!

On the brighter side, exam times also brings out the good in people and makes you closer to your friends all the same. Only today was i sitting, with the exam tomorrow and in absolutely no mood to study, especially the last unit which was the toughest, my best friend and roommate for 3 years (We are 4 in a room, in case you are wondering), offered to teach me the last unit. She had made some great notes on the topic and she absolutely made the whole unit a cake-walk. Well, if you are thinking, thats what friends are for, think again. In the girl world, the only thing not acceptable during exams is sharing notes and helping others! Shocked? Well, itz the truth, at least in my hostel...

Oh, and i totally missed out the best part of exams. It has got to be the waiting of exams to end, so that you could GO HOME finally, sleep well after all the late night studies, gorge on absolutely fabulous foods and get pampered. Trust me, this is the best part of living in hostel. When you can go home only once or twice in a year, you get pampered so much, you start experiencing what the life of a princess would be like. Itz absolutely dreamy!!!

Well, thats it for now, and i guess, just sitting back and watching all the fun would definitely not help me score well. So am taking off for some studies. Have fun. And by the way, 8 days left for the exams to get over!


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